Online Tryout Registration RRSC 2019/20 Boys Teams RRSC 2019/20 Girls Teams Anyone is Welcome to show up on the days of tryouts! No Pre-Registration Needed! 2011-2006 Birth Year Tryouts – Tuesday May 28th 2008-2006 Sign-up: 4:00 pm, Tryout: 4:30 –...
A Pre-Game Commentary with our very own Rio Director, Chris Hurst. April 11th was a fun night for Rio Rapids SC as this was ‘Rio Night’ for the New Mexico United Game. An exciting game with New Mexico United winning 5-1 vs. Real Monarchs. Our Rio 08G had...
EDITORIAL – I wish I could get off Twitter/X entirely. Regardless of your political beliefs or what you think of Elon Musk, changes made in the last year or so have made it a worse experience for independent soccer media. The algorithm has nerfed links from outside their in-house article setup. Blue checks have become […]